The Importance Of Dating In Your Relationship

The longer you’re in your relationship and the more you’re feeling the love and the security from your partner, the easier it is to allow your relationship to grow a bit stale. And that’s all normal at one point or another. It happens to many.

However, allowing this to go on can be detrimental to your relationship over an extended period of time. Enter dating as one of the best and most enjoyable methods for keeping your relationship fresh and exciting as ever. 

Try to date your partner a bit. Try to find enjoyment again. Try to become interesting to one another again, and most of all, try to love each other more and more. Also, don’t shy away from visiting a relationship building skills workshop for couples and working on your relationship.

What Is Dating In A Relationship?

What Is Dating In A Relationship?

You know how you used to go out to the movies or how you’d grab dinner at the restaurant in your town? Maybe you and your partner would go to jazz shows or comedy nights or double date with other interesting couples. Maybe you just liked to take long walks along the street after a meal, talking until the small hours of the night. That’s dating.

Can you remember the feeling you had when you and your partner used to do all those things? Remember the excitement of awaiting your significant other to arrive, and the enjoyment you’d get from spending time with them? That’s also dating. 

Dating is all the things you and your partner did before you entered your committed relationship. It’s also the things you did while in your relationship that gave you the feeling of enjoyment, warmth, and pleasure. It’s all the things you love doing together, and maybe all the things you forgot somewhere along your road to a long-term relationship. 

Why Is Dating In My Relationship Important?

Dating is important because it feels good. That’s the single biggest reason for dating your partner even when you might be years into your relationship. However, the importance of dating goes further than just allowing you to spend enjoyable moments together with your significant other. 

In fact, it’s this essence, the joy of dating that inspires all the other benefits of continually dating your partner no matter the amount of time you’ve spent together. 

It’s important to date your partner because: 

  • Quality time together will strengthen your relationship.
  • Dating will help you build your unity and also express your individuality to your partner.
  • You’ll get a chance to reconnect with your significant other and eliminate the feeling of being two ships passing each other in the night.
  • You’ll enhance and deepen your communication.
  • Dating gives you ample opportunities to build new memories together.
  • You have a chance to show your partner how much you care for them and that they’re your top priority.
  • You and your partner will keep the flame of passion and romance burning bright for a long time.
  • You’ll keep mixing it up, maintaining the freshness in your relationship.
  • Both of you get a chance to show the depth of your love and affection.
  • Dating means you’ll keep finding the time for each other.
  • Dating also keeps you from getting bored.
How Often Do I Date My Partner?

How Often Do I Date My Partner?

Honestly, there isn’t a rule that says how often you and your partner need to date to keep the passion burning bright. For some couples, once a week is plenty, while for others, it’s either too little or too much. We can’t say that any of them are wrong, as being with someone means doing the things you enjoy when you enjoy them. 

However, date your partner as often as you can and in all the different ways you can think of. Dating your partner is more than just reserving a table at your favorite restaurant and going for a movie afterward. Dating your partner is also doing all the little things in between and showing just how much you care whenever you can. It’s the hand holding, the active listening, the simple gestures that you know your partner likes. 

The most important thing to know about the frequency of dating your partner is to remember. Remember to surprise them and remember the things they love. Remember the dates and remember the events. Remember to be there for them and remember to do all you can to make them feel special in a way you’d like them to make you feel. 

How Can I Continue To Date My Partner?

Continuing to date your partner even though you’ve been in your relationship for a long time is essential for maintaining the health of your relationship and keeping both you and your partner satisfied. 

If you’ve neglected this part of your relationship for one of numerous reasons, there’s no need to worry. Dating again is not difficult, although it does require some effort. Luckily, there’s plenty you can do to begin anew. 

9 Ways To Keep Dating Your Partner

The first and the most important advice when it comes to dating your partner is to start with what feels right for you and to do the things both of you enjoy doing. That being said, if you’re feeling stuck, it’s helpful to have a couple of pointers that’ll help you reignite the old spark: 

  • Do all you can to practice your romance.
  • Combine the familiar activities and create new and exciting ones you can enjoy all over again.
  • Find the time to be truly with each other, not just spend time one beside the other. In other words, put it on the calendar!  
  • Set aside time for date nights when you both feel like going, and even when you don’t.
  • Remember to do all the little things.
  • Openly communicate about your needs, both romantic and intimate.
  • Find new activities you can enjoy together.
  • Be mysterious with each other from time to time.
  • Have fun with each other as often as possible and make each other laugh.

PIVOT’s Relationship Building Skills Workshops For Couples Will Teach You How To Keep Dating

Just because you’ve dated before doesn’t mean there’s no reason to keep dating your partner throughout your long-term relationship. Dating is a crucial aspect of both keeping the passion in your relationship alive and well and continually showing the love and the support your partner and you require. Dating is caring, loving, feeling, and much, much more. 

Unfortunately, saying “date your partner” is easier said than done. Both of you have your daily responsibilities, worries, ups and downs, your passions, hobbies, free time activities, and many other things. This can cause you to push your dating aside which, in turn, can lead to different issues, even you or your partner starting to think about other people.If you feel like your relationship is hitting a serious set of issues you cannot resolve on your own, PIVOT’s here to help you. Our expert advocates hold individual workshops for helping you find the spark again, as well as couple workshops designed to help you overcome your problems. Give us a call today and we’ll do everything we can to help!

Why Is Support In A Relationship Essential?

Sometimes, support and understanding are all we need from our partner. It’s easier to experience life’s lows if there’s someone to give you compassion, active listening, and empathy. On the other hand, if the support’s absent and nowhere to be found, things get tougher, tougher, and tougher. 

Do you and your partner ask each other the standard what’s up? How are you?  How’s it goin?  How was your day?  I’m curious – do you listen?   Do you tell?  Do you emotionally bomb one another?  Think about it for a minute and get honest with yourself. 

Do you discuss your individual problems, concerns, wants, and wishes? Are you there for each other when the times are confusing, complicated, and challenging? Are you their shoulder, and they yours?

That’s what support is, or at least what one aspect of it is. Not having it is one of the things that can cause a relationship to suffer. It can make it easy to start thinking about how to leave your toxic relationship. However, lack of support isn’t toxic, and it won’t become toxic if you try to work on it. There’s a lot you can do to change the tides of your relationship.

Why Is Support In A Relationship Important?

Supportive relationships are healthy relationships. They’re caring relationships. They’re empathetic relationships. Most of all, relationships in which partners experience mutual support are extremely important to your and their emotional and mental well-being. That’s one of the essential reasons it’s crucial to share your life with a partner who’s there to support you and the things you do.

Having a partner who’s there to provide all the different types of support you need enhances your quality of life and allows you to reach new heights, both individually and within your relationship. And it works both ways. It feels good to be the point of support for your partner as well, to see them tap into all the potential they didn’t think they had. 

However, the key lies in the mutual support. Only being on one end of it doesn’t cut it since support is important for both of you. And, it does not mean that your partner is solely responsible for your feelings.  You are. 

What Are The Important Aspects Of A Supportive Relationship?

Not all people know what it’s like to be in a relationship where you can truly rely on your partner. This is why the first step in your journey toward support is to explore what the aspects of such a relationship are. 

10 Elements Of A Supportive Relationship

All relationships are unique. However, when it comes to support, you’d be surprised at just how many similarities there are from one supportive relationship to another. After all, happiness shares common characteristics across all relationships and support is no different. 

Here are a couple of common threads: 

  • You and your partner spend quality time together on a regular basis.
  • You listen to each other and show empathy toward your problems.
  • You mutually encourage each other’s growth and development in different areas and using various methods.
  • You pay attention to your partner’s feelings and the things going on in your lives.
  • You offer help and you help your partner through the good as well as the bad.
  • You refrain from judging each other and focus on discussing your differences if necessary.
  • You foster tender and caring honesty.
  • You and your partner both feel safe and secure in your relationship.
  • You’re there for each other when you need it and can ask for what you want and need.  And, if it is not possible for your partner to give it to you, you can understand and take care of yourself.  

What Are The Characteristics Of A Supportive Partner?

To be completely honest, there’s no one set of skills that makes one partner supportive and the other one unsupportive. Support comes in many forms and takes on different shapes depending on each individual and the situation they’re finding themselves in. 

However, there are certain traits that many supportive partners share. Knowing what they are can help both members of a relationship recognize whether they have them or not and start working toward becoming a better partner.

Traits Of A Supportive Partner

Some of the most common traits supportive partners exhibit include: 

  • Respect toward your partner’s feelings
  • Ability to truly listen to what your partner has to say
  • Showing true consideration for your partner’s problems
  • Possessing the ability to say you’re sorry
  • Not shaming your partner if they tell you no because it truly doesn’t work for them
  • Being helpful when your partner needs it
  • Respecting their “me” time
  • Taking the time to be intimate with your partner
  • Sharing your dreams and having common dreams with your partner
  • Refraining from placing high expectations on your partner
  • Viewing your partner’s needs with the same level of respect as you would your own

How Can I Build A More Supportive Relationship?

Not receiving the support you need is tough. However, know that it’s probably tough on your partner too if you’re the one failing to deliver the support they need. Luckily, building support is possible. 

Support is not having and/or demanding expectations that are unclear and unrealistic. 

First and foremost, know that offering support works both ways.  It’s crucial to give support as well as to receive it. Second, noticing and getting honest that there is a lack of support in your relationship is something you and your partner can definitely work on together. It’s not a deal breaker, just a point of necessary improvement. You can do it, you just have to start!   

13 Ways To Build Relationship Support

There’s no time like the present and no better way than to explore some of the things you and your significant other can do to enhance support in your relationship. Know that these methods are just the beginning and that support is something you keep giving. 

Here’s how to start: 

  • Make an honest commitment to listen to your partner and do it
  • Be clear about your want and/or need if asking and make sure it is realistic
  • Be respectful to your partner’s point of view – when they are sharing it, even if you don’t agree, meet it with phrases like, “tell me more”, “is there anything else?”, “I’m glad you are sharing how you feel”. 
  • Be as empathetic as possible
  • Try to offer help, not just wait for your partner to ask for it
  • Communicate with your partner often and honestly
  • Be there to encourage your significant other and spur them on
  • Be there to talk to your partner’s ambitions, dreams, desires, and fears
  • Grant your partner the benefit of the doubt and give them moments of necessary solitude
  • Ask the questions you would like your partner to ask you.  
  • Model what you’d like
  • Be completely present when your partner needs to talk
  • Show your partner that you appreciate them
  • Give your significant other a chance to do their things their way
  • Practice doing small and thoughtful things

PIVOT Can Help You Incite Support Without Leaving A Potentially Unhealthy Relationship

If there isn’t ample support within your relationship, chances are that unhappiness will slowly come bubbling to the surface. From slowly losing the flame of your passion to gradually beginning to think about other people, lack of support can cause a lot of other issues. 

This makes actively working on supporting your partner and experiencing support in your relationship one of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship. Sometimes, continually dating your partner isn’t enough and you have to put in more effort. However, there are times when you simply don’t know where or how to start tackling these issues.That’s where PIVOT comes in. We’ve assembled a team of experienced, caring, and empathetic coaches and advocates who guide you through both individual workshops and activities for inspiring support and couple retreats to help you find support mechanisms in your relationship. Reach out to us today and we’ll help you find your common ground.

How To Rekindle Your Relationship Passion

Many couples experience the ups and downs of passion in their relationships. It’s virtually impossible to experience a long-term relationship without also experiencing the times of intense passion and the times when that passion is lacking a bit.

However, not feeling the fierce, roaring flame of passion all the time is one thing. Not experiencing it at all for a long time is something completely different. Ruts happen. Long droughts, on the other hand, are a true concern that require effort and time to overcome. 

This problem can cause prolonged issues with intimacy in your marriage or relationship, causing you to find professional assistance at an emotional workshop or retreat. However, it’s also important to first see what the signs of waning passion are and how to overcome them. 

Is It Normal To Lose Passion In A Relationship?

Is It Normal To Lose Passion In A Relationship?

It’s tough to say what’s normal in a relationship and what’s not. After all, people and relationships are different, and the problems couples experience are unique to their circumstances. Periods of stronger and weaker passion happen for a variety of reasons.

However, referring to the complete absence of passion as “normal” could do a disservice to couples who just aren’t feeling it as they once did. On the other hand, labeling it as “not normal” may also cause confusion and discomfort. The simple truth is that couples can lose feelings of passion and that it’s important to work on resolving the underlying issues and causes. 

What Are The Reasons That You’ve Lost Passion In Your Relationship?

The first step in rekindling the flame of passion in your relationship and finding that desire for intimacy is to understand why you’ve lost touch in the first place. Keep in mind that I am not just talking about sexual intimacy!  I am also speaking to emotional intimacy.  Without clearly identifying the reasons behind your current problems, it’s difficult to start the road of recovery and discovery again.

7 Reasons For Dying Passion In A Relationship

As said, all relationships and the issues that can appear are unique to each couple. While there’s no such thing as a comprehensive list of reasons why your passion might be failing, some of the most common causes include the following: 

  • As your together-life evolves, you slowly allow other priorities to take hold of your entire relationship, letting your connection slip through the cracks of everyday struggles. 
  • At one point or another, you, your partner, or both of you have simply stopped putting in enough effort into keeping the fire of intimacy burning as bright as it once did. 
  • Your intimate life has gradually become comfortable, routine, and even uninspired, causing you to potentially lose interest. 
  • Letting go of your own self-care can also be the cause behind dwindling passion. This can lead to you and your partner not feeling satisfied with yourselves, losing your libido in the process. 
  • Your or your partner might be holding grudges you simply cannot let go of for some time, causing you to be less interested in romance and more interested in retribution. 
  • There’s been a transition from passionate to companion love
  • You’ve stopped doing things with one another and slowly started drifting apart in different areas, including intimacy. 
  • You may have a biological shift in your mental health and the desire is overridden with anxiety and or depression and you are not treating it. 

How Do You Rekindle Your Desire In Your Relationship?

If we’re being honest, rekindling passion can be tough for some couples. However, it can be incredibly fun. In fact, it can breathe new life into your relationship and make it stronger, more enjoyable, and more passionate than ever. If that’s not a reason to give it a go, then nothing is.

7 Ways To Rekindle Relationship Passion

How Do You Rekindle Your Desire In Your Relationship?

If there’s love and all other positive emotions, there can be passion again, and soon rather than later. You and your partner just need a gentle push in the right direction. 

Here are some ways that can help you achieve that: 

  • Speak to each other about how you used to have so much passion without blame – when you couldn’t get enough of each other and see what was different back then. Try to do some of the things you loved doing back in the day and see the passion make a slow-and-certain return. 
  • Be honest and communicate your innermost desires with your partner and allow them to do the same. Get to know each other’s intimate needs better and start translating words into action. 
  • Prioritize yourselves and your intimacy above other daily things. Don’t make a chore more important than you. Start dedicating more and more time to one another and the spark will come back. Start with having date night again.  And, keep doing it. 
  • As simple as this one’s going to sound, as simple it’s to try it – get physical and get physical as often as you can. It doesn’t have to be all fireworks all the time.  Nor does it have to be intercourse.  Touch each other.  Hold each other.  Make a point to look into each other’s eyes with appreciation and affection.. The more you try, the more natural  it’ll become. 
  • Be curious and explore. Who knows, maybe you and your partner will discover a whole new world of intimate pleasure without even meaning to, granting yourselves many enjoyable future moments. 
  • Introduce the romance back, try harder, do beautiful things for each other, and dedicate your time and energy into making your partner feel as special as you’d like to feel. 
  • Understand that it might take some time for the passion to return. Don’t rush it – work on it constantly and incessantly. 
  • Be open to new experiences and be open to your partner. Work on it together and the results will come. 
  • Consider consulting a professional. Some couples may need some neutral insight or assistance with identifying the underlying issues in their relationships. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a relationship coach if you feel stuck. 

PIVOT’s Intimacy In A Marriage Intensive Workshop Will Help You Find Passion Again

Keeping the passion in your relationship alive is an essential part of a healthy and thriving relationship. Rekindling your flame over and over again can be difficult. However, you need to keep at it, keep investing, keep dating your significant other, and keep providing all the support you and they need. And you’ll get there. Sooner than you might think. 

Not only will the loss of passion cause you to potentially start thinking about other individuals in different ways. It will also slowly take more and more from your enjoyment and growth. If there’s love, respect, support, and a picture of the future, give it your all and work on it.Sometimes, your all may not be enough, and to keep resolving some of the issues in your relationship, you may need professional assistance. PIVOT’s individual workshops for resolving relationship problems and couple retreats for working on your relationship are designed to help you through the rough patches and rebirth your relationship again. Give us a call today!